After a pretty short ride by metro, I arrived in the Bucurestii
Noi ( literally New Bucharest) neighborhood and I had the feeling I
landed in a small city, or in a village.
The small, perpendicular streets on the main boulevard
called Bucurestii Noi, the old houses, the trees, the smell of autumn, all this
was different from the image I had about this district. I thought it’s a
modern, developing neighborhood and probably it is, but it’s also stuffed with
houses which are not pretentious at all, where families live, a neighbourhood with dogs, old
cars, fathers and sons repairing cars. I’ve seen some new apartments blocks
built among the houses, but they aren’t that many.
According to Wikipedia, “At the end of the 19th century the
area was known as Măicănești
or Grefoaicele and was owned by Nicolae Bazilescu. The domain stretched
on 295 hectares from which 155 hectares were put out for sale and the rest was
donated to the public domain for the construction of streets and parks. In the
past the area was a part of Băneasa commune, then it became a part of the city
of Grivița .
It was integrated in the Bucharest
area in the early 1950s when construction of apartment blocks started on the right
side of Bucureștii Noi boulevard. The
neighborhood contins many penthouses and modern villas which serve a small
community of families who own private courtyards. These buildings are an
alternative way of living very different from the communist-style apartment
blocks found in the other districts of the city.”