I’ve met a lot of teenagers, kids,skaters lately, all different, all beautiful. Some of them made a really strong impression on me. I thought of different ways of telling their stories. Until some satisfying format will come out of my lazy head and considering the possibility that this may take a while, I thought about introducing some of them step by step, in the form of  some profiles. I thought it's a pity not to share some photos and some stories about these kids which have a sense of poetry, a great energy, sincerity and so much beauty in them. 

I will start this series with Pitic (the Romanian word for dwarf), which is one of my favourite skaters. I first met him in Skate Park, in Tineretului (a park from Bucharest) a year ago and took some film photos of him, but he doesn't remember me from then. He first become aware of my existence this year in Atelierul de Productie, a Bucharest club, This is not exactly the place where a 15 years old boy would hang out (not even a 15 years old skater), but he was there with his sister. I told him that I had taken some photographs of him and he must have been impressed by the fact that someone from that club recognized him and even had photos of him so from that moment on he remembered me. We met afterwards in the Skate Park, where he was first a bit reluctant in letting me take pictures of him. However, the next day I came back and he asked for money for food from the other kids, I borrowed him and that must have been a sign of trust because from that moment on he was totally friendly and even accepted to stay still for a few portraits, even though it's not one of his top pleasures. The next week we sat on a bench and had a real talk, he told me about his life. He said he'll continue skating at least until he's 70, he's an Aquarius and he has a girlfriend which he described as a fashionista.
 Today I’ve met him accidentally at a skate contest that took place in a club (Jukebox) situated very close to the place where I work. He kissed me on the cheeks. 
Pitic has something different from the other skaters. Most of them give me the impression of happy, very naive and charming kids, coming from medium-high income families..I don't know anything about Pitic's family, nor about his childhood, but he suggested me that in a way he's more mature than the others. He is also different by the fact that he is not so thrilled by the idea of being photographed. Of course, he enjoys the attention in a certain way, but not like the others..he's one of the least narcissistic kids I ever met. Maybe I'm wrong about everything, but this is the impression I had. 
I'm really looking forward to having a real contact with him, because there's something i really like about him.